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Welcome to the Most

Secure Place!

As a mother of 2 young girls, I relate myself to the pain parents face due to the lack of reliable, safe & affordable day care services in our neighborhood. I personally had experience from both sides of the world, working for day care as a teacher & sending our love once as a parent. Trust me, kids at early age deserve a Pampered, Healthy & encouraging environment. Sincerely this is the age where kids require personal attention, freedom to express themselves socially & emotionally, motivation to engage in team activities and self-confidence boosting projects, empowered with balanced nourishment (temperature control organic milk, healthy snacks, fresh seasonal fruits are few examples). Those 4 pillars are critical for kids’ upbringing & prepare child for next phase of the life.

With the above 4 pillars in mind, I have established a full-service daycare named Little Blossoms Daycare, LLC managed/operated by experienced staff. Since I consider it as community service, while pricing we paid extra attention to cut the necessary overhead (such as fancy websites, costly software & marketing) and decided to pass those to parents’ pocket, which allow our weekly fee to be very cost effective.

Establishment includes a well-ventilated 1500 sqft classroom, dedicated bedroom, effectively organized with interacting toys, playset & books. House is surrounded with 0.83-acre lush green yard & trees, with 900 Sqft dedicated fenced kids outdoor play area to enjoy sun (nature provided vitamin D) & warm weather.

Together, let’s make Ashburn community safe & full of exciting learning for kids, exposure to multiple culture/festivals and prepare young ones for the outside competitive world.

Please come and witness the establishment, classroom, play area.

Thanks for all your kind consideration & support.

Best Regards

Dipali Mathur
Managing Director
Little Blossoms Daycare, LLC
MBA, Bachelor of Fine Art
CPR / AED certified.

Our Teachers

We have an excellent teacher to child ratio at our Kindergarten to ensure that each child receives the attention he or she needs

Mission of Little Blossoms

Together, let’s make Ashburn community safe & full of exciting learning for kids, exposure to multiple culture/festivals and prepare young ones for the outside competitive world.

Please come and witness the establishment, classroom, play area.

0 Children a year
0 Qualified teachers
0 Activities a year
0 From twelve months

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Enroll Your Little One at Little Blossoms Play School!

Discover a nurturing and vibrant environment at Little Blossoms Play School, where we foster a love for learning in your little ones. Our play school provides a safe and stimulating space where children can explore, create, and develop essential skills through play-based activities. With dedicated and experienced educators, we focus on holistic development, preparing your child for a successful journey into formal education. Join us at Little Blossoms and watch your child bloom into a confident and curious learner!